This prezi presentation explores how R.L.Stines Goosebump Series follows the narratives in the stories by the creation of various games, interactive books, TV shows, a Movie and website in order to capture audiences on various different platforms.

6 thoughts on “Please tell me a story!

  1. Oh this is sooooo good, brings back so many memories of childhood, I loved Goosebumps as a kid – I was flicking through the tv the other week and I think it’s ABC that did it but there was another, modern, live-action Goosebumps movie on, about a boy who turns into a shark. The whole thing was positively brilliant.
    Your Prezi is brilliant, I love your style, it’s very visual and you’ve certainly worked out the way to make engaging Prezis. It’s a skill I admire, I haven’t quite gotten the hang of it yet.
    Good work!!! 🙂


    1. Thank you 🙂 I’m still trying to work out Prezi but getting better. If only it was as easy to work out WordPress!!

      I loved goosebumps as a kid and read many of the books. But what I loved the most were the TV shows and the games!!! That’s what got me more involved than anything else


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